We’ve been manipulated into believing we’re merely our physical and emotional/spiritual body, responding to the stimulus of this 3rd dimensional realm. Everything within this 3rd Dimensional space is divided light and light is energy. Now divided light creates a rainbow. Everything physical is formed from this rainbow in some form or another. That is everything, from the tiniest sub-atomic particle to the galaxies above, is made of bits of the rainbow. This rainbow canopy of light that surrounds our true awareness, has seduced us into accepting the illusion of the physical world as the real thing.
What is Awareness?
You are awareness therefore as awareness you are present when the moment presents itself as nothing you exist within the dark abyss. Awareness knows just what to do only in the moment, and this is only in reference to the 3rd Dimensional life experience. Awareness never knows what to do before the moment arrives because awareness doesn’t recognize time or space. Awareness is always in the moment because there is only one moment in the original awareness state. Therefore, awareness is never able to be manipulated because it has no preconceived idea of what is right or wrong, good or bad, past or future. The moment decides what needs to be done. In the 3rd Dimensional scheme of things, moment by moment, for awareness is always now.
Now the power control force wants us to be divided one against the other. The power control force agenda is to get you to choose a side. It doesn’t matter which side, just prejudge and predetermine that something is right or that something is wrong. Because in this fashion all of humanity can be manipulated to jump through the hoops of deception, fully convinced that indeed they are humanity, and indeed, they are real.
Now here are some current examples of how the power control force manipulates humanity in the 3rd dimensional realm using the rainbow or LIGHT for that matter. Lady Gaga, will release a new album and single on 11/11/13 . The album is called Artpop below is the cover for ‘Applause’ which is the title of her feature single with all the colours of the rainbow painted on her face .
Katy Perry’s record company, has launched a new campaign for her next album to be released in October via a large freight container, with the title of the album and the date of release – 22/10/2013 . The title – “PRISM” . And it has been leaked that the first single will be called ‘Roar’ . The date is also one month before the JFK assassination anniversary on 22/11/13.
All energy is divided light, and is visible in the form of atoms. Some will argue that not all energy is visible. However, all energy is visible, regardless of the frequency, when a proper visual aid or frequency responder is utilized. In many instances, different segments of society are able to see things with the naked eye, that others are unable to witness. When the awareness that you are is seduced by a lying thought form, you as awareness will focus on the form, stepping out of the moment and into this construct we call time and space.
Now energy is simply a thought that blocks out the awareness that you are, and awareness is truly the absence of any and all things energy. You see it is this energy thought form, the ATOM, that is the seducer, created by the universal architects that seduces the awareness that you are into believing everything 3rd dimensional is real.
Let’s think of ourselves as an electrical machine of some sort. To cause us to function we need to plug a power cord into an electrical outlet, flip a switch, and we fulfill our duty. In the same way our senses of sight and sound are the power cord that we plug into the manipulator’s system of numbers and language. The numbers and language (alphabet) have shape, colour and sound attached to them. These shapes, colours and sounds are the switch that turns us on. The other senses of taste, touch and smell, support the illusion manifested through the senses of sight and sound.
Divided light, the rainbow, the atom, the physical 3rd Dimensional space, is all a lie, a deception an illusion. Our original awareness state has no thought and therefore no energy. You exist as unique awareness you simply know all as awareness, as awareness you have no mind, no thought or thought process to contend with these are all concepts and illusions to divert your attention from your essence as awareness. Your original eternal state as awareness has no 3rd dimensional form, no colour, no sound or shape to contend with what so ever and this is the truth.
All colour, (3 primary) all shape forms (3 simple forms used to build any shape – line, angle, curve) and all sound (3 simple parts – volume, tone and rhythm) are all found within the structure of a beam of light. Even the DNA tape running within our physical being has a built-in alphabet-based language system. Systems based on these structures, or symbolic colour, shape form and sound, have given way to producing numbers and language derived from the physical structure within a beam of light.
Even though sound is an extremely slower frequency than light, the two are inseparable. They are welded together by a thought. A thought traps sound within a light illusion. Thought travels faster than light, and is able to contain and merge the slow frequency of sound with the faster light frequency. Every 3 dimensional object has sound locked within its structure. The recording industry deals with this very concept. However, a simple test that demonstrates how sound is locked within a light energy particle, is to burn a log and listen to the fire roar. Even with the absence of water in a substance, there will be a searing sound, however faint, sound is present.
The universal architects who created this artificial reality created GOD and their universal LIE all started with the narrative:
“And God said let there be Light : and there was Light .”
Here is another example of how the universal LIGHT – lie is being perpetrated through the manipulation of LIGHT or the rainbow on the physical world stage today. PRISM is a clandestine mass electronic surveillance data mining program known to have been operated by the United States National Security Agency (NSA) since 2007.[1][2][3] PRISM is a government code name for a data-collection effort known officially by the SIGAD US-984XN.
The Prism program is designed to collect store Internet communications based on demands made to Internet companies such as Google Inc. under Section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act of 2008. The NSA can use these Prism requests to target communications that were encrypted when they traveled across the Internet backbone, to focus on stored data that telecommunication filtering systems discarded earlier, and to get data that is easier to handle, among other things.
Here is a newly released naked image of Lady Gag in relation to ‘Artpop’ sitting on a colourful Motherboard an artful reference to the PRISM program just a subliminal message as to how the power control force are attempt to gain complete control of your essence as awareness is my guess!
Now Thoughts Are Always Lies
Thoughts are words, words are sounds when communicating the thought. We know when we have a thought, or word implanted in our mind because sound vibrates. Sounds vibrate, vibration is energy, energy glows, and glowing is light. Thoughts are therefore, LIGHT, and light is an illusion, able to be manipulated by the simplest of thoughts. In other words, since everything 3rd Dimensional is simply a THOUGHT, then changing that THOUGHT through subliminal messaging will create a new 3rd Dimensional illusory world for anyone receiving the new implanted THOUGHT FORMS which is how our reality is changed and altered through media.
Every world system functioning today is based on manipulated light. Since humanity is not light energy, we must understand we are only being manipulated by the manifest appearance of light energy. Our physical bodies are actually hypnotic suggestions that make us believe they are in fact actually real but in all honesty they are not real at all.
Now the manipulation tactics used to deceive humanity include the number and language systems that enabled the establishment of religious, esoteric and scientific thought used to dupe the masses. Or put another way, the religious, esoteric and scientific thought patterns of the world are satanic, knowledge based, illusion inducing concepts that disconnect us from REALITY as awareness. It makes no difference what old-time religion, new age secret, or ivy league indoctrination you deem to be true. These intellectual systems are based on the flawed number and language system. In other words, everyone is wrong in their precepts. There is no truth in this 3 dimensional realm and I mean no truth.
In closing the universal LIGHT = LIE, and this is the TRUTH because as awareness you exist within the darkness, Light is the deception and seduces your essence into believing that everything 3rd dimensional is real, LIGHT is in fact EVIL, DARKNESS IS NOT EVIL, the Darkness which is perpetrated as evil on this physical plane is just a massive subliminal used to deceive and manipulate your essence, and so for those of you LIGHT WORKERS, LIGHT BEARERS, Light Bringers you are being played and your essence is being used to support the LIGHT which is the LIE or the power control forces manipulation of LIGHT that keeps the illusion of this physical realm alive!